Shipping Policy
Generally speaking, all goods displayed on online store are available for sales unless you order a bulk quantity, normally all orders will be delivered within 42 hours after you pay by Paypal or confirmation of offline payment by us.
The goods with our packing will be dispatched by famous courier services such as FedEX, TNT, DHL, UPS, EMS , Aramex etc. of course you also can chose slow but cheap shipping such as EUB and others etc.
Please leave message online or email us : , we will reply you within 24 hours
Return & Exchange Policy
Usually we will inspect and check the quality and quantity of goods again and again before shipping, but it still might be some problems because of transport process, so we can promise some points:
Please recheck the appearance of the seal and inspect if there is any demage, please send clear at least 6 photos of each angles
Please submit claims for returns and exchanged within 3 days and we will study the actual situation and give reasonalble feedback within 7 working days